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Why Rice Markets Are In Crisis Mode

Why Rice Markets Are In Crisis Mode

Why Rice Markets Are In Crisis Mode

Why Rice Markets Are In Crisis Mode

Global supplies of rice are facing its most significant shortage in two decades, exacerbating food insecurity fears. Rice is a staple food for over half the world’s population. India’s export bans sent shockwaves through markets as some argue the country is using food as a political pawn. America’s $34 billion rice industry must compete against the same market uncertainty while managing droughts, floods and changing temperatures. Watch this video to learn more about how global rice markets influence food security, geopolitics and the livelihoods of millions of farmers.

00:00 — Introduction
01:40 — Rice farming
03:08 — Distorted markets
05:04 — Looming threats
07:47 — Policy potential
Credit to : CNBC

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