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Scandal over Ukrainian President Zelensky’s speech | DW News

Scandal over Ukrainian President Zelensky’s speech | DW News

Scandal over Ukrainian president Zelensky's speech | DW News

Scandal over Ukrainian president Zelensky’s speech | DW News

For the third time since the start of the Russian war of aggression, supporters of Ukraine have gathered in Berlin for a reconstruction conference. According to the German government, the meeting of more than 2,000 participants from over 60 countries is intended to present a longer-term and broader perspective for Ukraine, which should increasingly include social and societal reconstruction. On the economic front, the main objective is to mobilize private companies and private capital. Reconstruction cannot be financed by public funds alone.
On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a speech in the German Bundestag. But a sizeable number of lawmakers from the far-right and populist left boycotted the speech.

00:00 Zelenskyy in Berlin for Ukraine Recovery Conference
02:29 Olga Stefanishyna, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration
08:56 Part of Zelensky’s speech before parliament
10:26 Kira Rudik, Member of Ukrainian Parliament

#ukrainerussiawar #ukrainerecovery #volodymyrzelenskyy

Credit to : DW News

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