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“Not Enough Babies” – Global Fertility Rates Reach SHOCKING Historic Low!

Global Fertility Rates Reach SHOCKING Historic Low!

Over the past 70 years, the worldwide Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has plummeted by over half, dropping from approximately five children per female in 1950 to 2.2 children in 2021, with over half of all countries and territories (110 out of 204) now reporting TFRs below the population replacement threshold of 2.1 births per female as of 2021. This decline underscores a global trend towards reduced fertility rates. Meanwhile, in 2023, America witnessed a distressing milestone with over 1 MILLION abortions annually, signaling a troubling reversal from the declining abortion rates observed in the 2000s—a clear indication of regression in our nation’s reproductive health landscape.
Credit to : Valuetainment

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