Home » Sci Tech » Engineers just smashed Wireless Speeds of 6 Gbps in the real world

Engineers just smashed Wireless Speeds of 6 Gbps in the real world

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Alright guys, it’s getting real. We’ve been sitting back for a while getting excited about data transfer speeds in the lab and early trials of Li-Fi, but engineers in Germany have reportedly just gone and achieved blisteringly fast wireless speeds of 6 Gbps over a distance of 37 kilometres – in a real-world setting.

In other words, they nailed speeds fast enough to download the entire contents of a DVD in 10 seconds. Or six high-def episode of Game of Thrones instantly, all without a cable in sight, which sounds pretty good to us. If verified, the accomplishment will beat the previous wireless transfer world record by a factor of 10.

From our very good friends over at sciencealert. com

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