Home » World Economy » Central Bankers at Jackson Hole: Collapse the World Economy to Save the Banks

Central Bankers at Jackson Hole: Collapse the World Economy to Save the Banks

The Central Bankers of the western world gathered at Jackson Hole Wyoming for their annual confab last week, faced with an escalating hyperinflationary collapse of the entire dollar-based western financial system. Of course, fixing that system was not on the agenda – only saving the massive debt bubble, if only for a few more months, by raising interest rates, denying credit to industry and agriculture while funding Wall Street and the military-industrial complex with taxpayer’s money. China, meanwhile, which still believes in the American System of physical economy developed by Alexander Hamilton, is using the methods promoted by Lyndon LaRouche to formulate a new system which can become the basis for a new financial architecture which provides security and development for all nations.

Credit La Rouche Organization

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