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27 Bubbles About to Pop –Michael Pento

27 Bubbles About to Pop --Michael Pento

27 Bubbles About to Pop --Michael Pento

27 Bubbles About to Pop –Michael Pento

In this shocking discussion, Michael Pento voices grave concerns about the current stock market, pointing out the precarious dominance of a few key stocks that skew the market’s overall health. He warns of the underlying weaknesses and instability that belie the market’s outwardly robust appearance. Pento emphasizes the dangers of excessive borrowing to stave off recession and highlights the looming threat of bond vigilantes reacting to the U.S. economy’s insolvency.

Pento delves into the risks posed by the $1.7 trillion in quantitative easing (QE) from the reverse repo facility, warning of a potential liquidity crisis and a temporary boost in the U.S. dollar’s strength. He expresses fears over the long-term depreciation of the dollar against hard assets and the likelihood of enduring stagflation. The conversation also explores the potential for future policymakers to manage the economic fallout, the possible need for debt restructuring or a debt jubilee, and the critical need for a strategic plan to tackle the imminent crisis. Kerry Lutz concurs, highlighting the urgent necessity for sustainable monetary policies to avoid disaster.
Credit to : Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival Network

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